I think we all agree that sales and business are filled with hurdles. Some are larger than others, but each of them pose challenges that impact our level of success. It can be lack of sales or maybe poor cash flow or any number of factors that keep us from getting where we want to be when it comes to our goals.

The real question is, what is the origin of those hurdles? Or even more important is how many of those hurdles are we as individuals responsible for? Are we getting outsold by our competitor due to our level of sales skills and sales knowledge? That’s a self imposed hurdle. Are we lacking in the area of technology due to the fact that technology is “not our thing”? Again, a hurdle that we placed ourselves.

In order to raise the bar on our level of success we first have to raise the level of our expectations for ourselves. Take a hard look at those hurdles and why they’re there and most importantly, who put them there. Excuses are far easier than changes and changes are almost always required to succeed.

Your hurdles. You put many of them there……..you have to be the one to remove them.