Recently, I was asked to speak at the American Boat Builders and Repairers Association Annual Conference in Fort Lauderdale, FL. It was a great meeting and I totally enjoyed getting to know so many marine industry leaders. These are folks that have maintained the art of boat building, restoration and repair over generations. The one thing that stood out at this meeting was the realization on the part of the members of the importance of changing with the times. They seemed to largely embrace the changes underway in marketing and even the new options that provide improved ways to manage their businesses such as outsourcing. The meeting had a number of speakers in addition to myself that addressed the need to move away from the old and more traditional forms of sales and marketing and move more towards a greater reliance on digital marketing with aspects that include website development, social media, content marketing, YouTube, email marketing and event marketing.

It was refreshing to see these marine industry leaders take a moment to step back and evaluate their marketing approach and how it could be improved. The mental stagnation that seems to always control the marketing and management approach in much of the marine industry was not dominant at the 2015 ABBRA conference.  Instead it was filled with almost a thirst for improved ways to maintain and even gain their share of the marine customer base. My presentations resulted in a number of not only great questions, but also many forward thinking ideas that addressed today’s marketing challenges head on. The presentations were filled to capacity and attendees were interactive. All indicating an interest in the new marketing and management strategies.

While I’ve spoken to larger groups, I don’t believe that I’ve ever spoken to group that was more interesting and most of all, interested. In the months to come I’ll be following a number of the members of this special group of marine industry pioneers and innovators. I expect to be impressed with their success. Success always seems to come best to those that move from the past first and fastest. It also comes to those that frequently take look in the corporate mirror and look for the ways to be better. Remember….”what got you here today will get you not further tomorrow”.