Many of you know my son has been a United States Marine Reservist for the past 9 years. I’ve probably bored most of you over the years of you with my proud Dad stories of his career at some point in time. My wife and I have been proud Marine parents and enjoyed seeing him grow from a skinny teenage recruit to fit Marine Sergeant. He has decided to not renew is obligation to the Marines due to is growing family and his full time career in law enforcement (more guns and bad guys). But over the past 9 years I have learned a lot from the Marine Corp culture that should be applied to every business approach on management. No, it’s not about shooting your competition or guerilla attacks. It’s more about the basic culture of the Marine Corp that has made them probably the most effective fighting force for over 250 years. Their concepts are basic but proven.

1. Integrity…….This is at the top of the Marine’s list. It’s the foundation of a solid unit’s ability to perform and be respected.

2. Training…….It’s not as much the quality of the weapon, but the ability of the Marine to use it. Also, this constant training takes over when a difficult situation arrives. No panic, just cool response under fire.

3. Have a Plan……Our Marines rarely tie their boots without a plan. This ensures each Marine knows what is going on at all times and eliminates the chaos that comes when under fire.

4. Have a Clear Objective…….Know what your target his and know the timeframe that you will achieve it.

5. Loyalty…….. Marines are loyal to each other and their country. Knowing that your back is always covered enables you to focus on the important task in from of you.

6. Respect…… If a young man with short hair or woman responds to you with “yes sir” they are probably a Marine. These Marines understand that demonstrating respect, it will earn them respect.

7. Commitment…… Sticking to job until it is successfully finished. Adapting and overcoming all the challenges without complaint. Just doing the job they have been trained for.

I’ve learned a lot over the past 9 years from Sgt. John Wilson without him knowing it. Who says you can’t learn from your children? You never know where that great business lesson will come from. Today, I still run my business based on the lessons learned while working at number of previous jobs and life experiences.

· Monitor your labor cost on a hourly or daily basis…….McDonalds Management Training (1978)

· Take your jacket even if you don’t think you’ll need it…….Capt. Chris Willis, owner of Sea Tow Wrightsville Beach (1998)

· When you lay down with dogs you come up with fleas……My Grandfather (Brooks Singleton), warning about the people you do business with (1976)

· Keep your head down and play hard and you stand a lot better chance of winning……Dee Tramel’s (my golf teacher) advice prior to me joining the Professional Golfers Association (P.G.A.)

· Always answer a question with a question…..Again my Grandfather’s (Brooks Singleton) last minute advice on my wedding day about communicating with my wife (1979)